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Quote of the Day

“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God.”

Thought of the Week

Cover Image for “Aim Small, Miss Small.” ~ Benjamin Martin (The Patriot)

If your goal is to become a saint, what’s your plan? Is it just some vague commitment to be a good person and to follow the Commandments? If that’s the case, good luck! Satan will keep your seat warm for ya. “Aim small. Miss small.“...Read More

Saint of the Week

Mother Cabrini, infused with a contagious energy and overwhelming ambition, visualized and yearned to spread Catholicism everywhere through her charitable work, and that she did. Affecting tens of thousands of people all over the world, living her entire life for others, she is a true inspiration. What would the world look like if just a few of us had even a fraction of her commitment? How many souls could be saved? How many people could be exposed to the love of Christ?

Saint of the Week

Cover Image for The First Amongst Us ~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini)