Imagine if we actually lived for God. Imagine it! Really, sit back and think. Pause. Even close your eyes, if that’s your thing.

Imagine if you lived each day truly for God…

If you really gave Him your everything…

If every decision you made was based on the fact that there is a God….

And He loves you…

…and you love Him.

Would your life change? What aspects of your life would change? What decisions would you have made differently? Are there a lot?

Performing this exercise can give us a stark reality check on how we’re living our lives, but, really, that’s the only question we should be asking ourselves: Am I doing this for God or for myself?

We can so easily get caught up in the overwhelming and contagious narcissism of this world, so much so that we don’t even realize how selfish we really are. We are called to live for God in everything we do.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

And here’s a vision of what your life could be if you lived for Him…rather than you. Your alarm obnoxiously yells at you to wake up in the morning, and instead of fighting back with a left hook to the snooze, you actually get up, even if you don’t want to, for someone, for God. You want to eat that donut, but you don’t, and offer it up for He who fasted for 40 days. You want to cuss at that idiotic coworker who can’t do anything right, but you don’t for you think about the jeers and insults that Jesus had to endure on the Cross. You want to spend the evening with fried chicken and reality TV, but, instead, you volunteer at the local homeless shelter, at which you give a starving woman her first meal of the day.

Or not. Or you could do all the things you want and live for yourself. You could spend every moment of every day trying to satisfy your own desires, but where is the satisfaction in that? Where’s the meaning? Where’s the happiness?

“If you have no earthly consolation, why do you not seek consolation in the Heart of Jesus? To love him is truest joy.” ~ St. Rose Phillipine Duchesne

Living for God, you could live every moment of every day for a purpose, the greatest purpose. You couldn’t help but smile knowing you’re serving the greatest master there ever was. You couldn’t help but feel awesome when you make someone’s month by a small act of kindness. You couldn’t help but tear up with emotion when start to comprehend the magnitude of God’s love for you.

If you love God with your whole being, people couldn’t help but want to be around you, as a contagious joy emanates from you. People couldn’t help but try to imitate you, as a true peace of soul is felt. People couldn’t help but be affected by your generous nature and begin giving themselves.

“The soul of one who serves God always swims in joy, always keeps the holiday, and is always in the mood for singing.” ~ St. John of the Cross

You could affect those around you in an utmost positive way, affecting their eternal soul, going beyond the natural, spreading authentic happiness and truth. You could be the reason the drug addict stops using, sensing a greater purpose in you than just ephemeral pleasure. You could be the reason someone doesn’t commit suicide, realizing a greater meaning to their life than just senseless suffering.

You could be…but will you? Will you center what should be centered? Will you follow Him?

Your life could be a beautiful adventure, a pursuit of the ultimate love, a battle for goodness, a journey that leads to the gates of heaven.